Post-Offer Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluations

The Center for Resilience & Wellness offers a modern and convenient assessment process for agencies looking to hire strong candidates. Online scheduling provides an efficient method to book candidates, and electronic psychological reports are provided in a secure format. For candidate inquiries, information about the assessment process is accessible online.

We offer a two-step assessment with efficient online test administration and an in-depth clinical interview. The psychological tests are widely accepted and validated instruments, with standardized data normed on a diverse population representative to the 2020 Census, and are specifically designed to assess public safety candidates (i.e. Police, Fire, Dispatch, Corrections). The results provide personality traits, executive functioning strengths and weaknesses and characteristics specific to each candidate.

An individualized psychological report, based on the testing and clinical interview, is prepared by a licensed psychologist and provided to the referring agency in an electronic format within seven business days. Expedited results are available at an additional cost and further discussion of assessment results is available upon request.